What programming languages ​​were used to create Google!


Hope you all are well again welcome to a new post, in this tune I will describe what programming language Google uses, Google is currently a popular search engine, so let's find out what programming language was used to create Google,

Google uses two programming languages ​​as client side programming languages,

What is Client Side or Front-end?

Frontend is the visible part of a website or web page that we see with our eyes, the interface we see when we visit any website is called frontend, the frontend programming language runs in the user's browser, the two programming languages ​​used in frontend

  1. JavaScript, also called JS for short, is a high-level and just-in-time-compiled programming language that means that no machine can understand the bytecode directly and compile JS's virtual machine codes into bytecodes. this bytecode is converted to a machine code that the JIT (just-in-time- compile) in 1995, Brendan Eich created JavaScript is the JS file extension (.js) and (.mjs) some JavaScript engine is the V8 (Chrome browser Using), JavaScriptCore (using Safari browser), SpiderMonkey (using Firefox browser), Chakra (using Internet Explorer browser)
  2. Typescript (Typscript
    This programming language was created by Microsoft in 2012. It can be used for both client side and server side. This programming language can be converted from Typescript to JavaScript via a compiler called Babel. Its popularity is increasing day by day. )

Google uses six programming languages ​​for its backend or server side development.

What is back-end or server side?

The back-end is an invisible process on the web that we can't see with our eyes. It works from the inside, like when we search something on Google, Google matches all our websites in front of us, but how does Google match our search? This is because some of the programs in the back-end of the programs that match the data of webpages with our search and the data that matches us in front of us it works inside that we never see, Google for back-end development. These are the programming languages ​​that are used

  1. C (C was discovered in 1972 by a computer scientist named Dannis Ritchie)
  2. C Plus Plus (C + to C, who have taken a step forward Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985, it was discovered in an object-oriented programming language as it is quite popular )
  3. Go (Go is Google's own programming language, published in 2009. This language was designed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Go is one of the fastest growing programming languages ​​today.)
  4. Java (Java is a class based object oriented programming language and of course a high level programming language. It was designed by a computer scientist named James Gosling, published in 1995, developed by Oracle Corporation )
  5. Python (Python is an interpreted high level programming language designed by its designer Guido van Rossum, published in 1991 )
  6. Node (Node is a runtime-environment of JavaScript. It was originally created to run JavaScript code outside the browser and on the server. Nodejs was released in 2009 by its designer Ryan Dahl )

Google uses two databases as its database

  1. BigTable
  2. MariaDB

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