Lastig then secretly invited a group of Bhangari businessmen to a luxury hotel. He introduced himself to the businessmen as the Minister of Posts and Telegraphs of France. Be able to understand that this tower is now a burden for the country and that is why the government wants to sell it as a waste. Lastig told the traders that it was important to keep the whole thing a secret, as there would be controversy if it was made public. Lastig added that he himself is in charge of selecting the buyer for the tower.
Lastig finally traps a French businessman named Andre Poisson. Sat down to discuss with him. He told Poison that his position as a minister was fragile and he was disadvantaged. In saying all this, he indirectly demanded bribe. Poison, on the other hand, wanted to make a name for himself in the business world. So he wanted to buy the Eiffel Tower anyway. So he did not hesitate to pay a hefty bribe to Lastig. Pugarpar after receiving the last full money. He migrated home with about 60,000 francs.
Lastig assumed, Poison would not tell anyone about the matter out of shame and fear of being caught by the police. Because giving bribe is also a crime. Meanwhile, he was keeping an eye on the newspaper to see if any news was published on the subject. Once confirmed, the fraud was not reported. Lastig returned to Paris and once again arranged for the sale of the Eiffel Tower. Meetings with businessmen as before. But this time his forgery was caught. But the clever Lastig fled to the United States before being caught by the police.
Lastig had 48 pseudonyms and numerous passports. He could speak five languages fluently. The personality was wonderfully interesting. That's why an intelligence agency described Lastig as the 'young man's dream man'. And The New York Times identified him as a 'respected elite'! Another world-famous fraud in Lastig is known as the 'Romanian Box'. With this Romanian box, any money note in the world could be forged!
Sources: Smithsonian Magazine , France Today and
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